


the best high-protein chocolate chip cookies you’ll ever make!

if you love sushi, you’ll LOVE these bowls!

a patriotic spin on the sugar cookie crust fruit pizza – a summertime favorite!

Follow me It’s no secret that my latest obsession is all things SOURDOUGH! Nick & I (and now Charli!) have always loved sourdough bread – so when our local farmer’s market that we normally get sourdough from closed for the season, it seemed like the perfect time to pick it up as a hobby and […]

a sweet & savory, healthy chili recipe that is bursting with fall flavors!

a yummy, sweet on-the-go way to get your collagen in!

a fun Easter-spin on the classic treat we all love!

a tropical, protein-packed recipe perfect for spring & summer!

all of my favorite affordable-but-still-beautiful cookware pieces!

a sweet but salty recipe that is truly addicting (and all natural!)

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