

Okay hear me out, I know the term “morning routine” can sound a little cliche and woo-woo…for the past year it’s been all the rage. But, I truly think there is a reason why – and if you have a solid morning routine yourself, you probably know why! A solid, consistent morning routine truly does set up your day and ultimately life for success! It’s the foundation to your day & has truly become something I look forward to each morning. It sets the tone for my day and keeps me on track in all areas of life – health, work and my relationships. And trust me, there are definitely mornings when it doesn’t happen and I’m rushing around like a crazy person – and when those days happen, it just makes me appreciate my morning routine even more. I’m truly a better person when I make the time.

So today, I’m walking you through my entire morning – from start to finish! This is my real morning routine – there’s pretty parts, there’s not so pretty parts…and like I said, there are crazy days when some parts don’t happen. But most of the time, when I make the time – this is the morning routine that I start & conquer each day with!

6:30am // My alarm goes off! I used to use the ordinary iPhone alarm – but then I realized how abrupt it is and how the sudden, loud (and annoying, lol) sound throws me into a panic as it wakes me up. So for the last year or so, I’ve been waking up with my Hatch Restore Alarm Clock. It’s a sunrise alarm clock, so it gradually & gently starts lighting up our room, emulating the sun, about twenty minutes before 6:30. Normally, I’m pretty much up before then because my room is pretty lit up – but it’s so peaceful! It’s also a sound machine and connects to an app on your phone that has tons of soothing alarm sound to choose from. You can even wake up to a morning meditation! I have my alarm set to wake me up with the sound of waves crashing in the ocean. I feel like I’m waking up every day at the beach. I love it!

6:45am // After a few minutes of doodle snuggles and maybe a snooze or two, I’m up. I do check my texts/e-mails briefly to make sure nothing is urgent, but leave social media/news for later in the morning. I turn off our humidifier, make our bed, head to the bathroom to brush my teeth & knock out my morning skincare routine – which is pretty quick! I use Revision Skincare Soothing Facial Rinse to cleanse my skin & then apply my Revision Skincare C+ Correcting 30% vitamin c serum. I throw on my glasses, slip into my slippers & head to the kitchen!

7:00am // The first thing I do when I get to the kitchen, is fill up my gallon water bottle with ice, the juice from one squeeze lemon & of course water. I love this gallon jug because it has time markers that keep me accountable and on track with my hydration goal for the day! I’ll take a few sips of water and make what I like to call my wellness cocktail – which consists of BPN Strong Greens, Strong Reds (code STEFBARE will get you 10% off!) & Reishi Mushroom Powder. I love having so many superfoods & nutrients in my body before anything else! It keeps my digestion regular, my bloating down and my energy up. After my wellness cocktail, it’s finally time for coffee! I use our Nespresso machine to make a cup of coffee – and all I add to it is some oat milk vanilla creamer.

7:20am // I head to the kitchen table (or our front porch if it’s nice out) with my coffee & start my reading for the morning. Sometimes it’s a devotional (here’s the most recent one I’ve been diving into) but currently, I’m going through a one year long bible study, where I spend about 10-15 minutes in the word each morning. Here’s the Bible Study I’m reading & following now! And if you’re looking for a new Bible to dive into, here’s my favorite! It’s beautiful, interactive & easy to stay engaged with and understand.

7:45am // Alright, quiet time is over! This is when I’m about finished with my coffee and ready to tackle the world. I open up my laptop & get organized for the day. I catch up on e-mails & texts, open up social media, and get myself organized for that day’s project or blog post.

8:30am // Laptop closes, and it’s time to get ready for the day. I’ll listen to an audiobook or podcast while I’m doing my hair & makeup for the day! Here are some of my favorite books to read/listen to.

9:15am // Breakfast time! 9 times out of 10, I’m whipping up my green protein smoothie. Here’s the recipe & here’s a blog post that talks about all of the benefits from starting your day with a smoothie and all of my must-haves to make it! After I down my smoothie, I take all of my morning vitamins. I wrote an entire blog post that goes over my whole wellness routine, which includes a breakdown of all of the vitamins & supplements I take and why.

9:30am // After breakfast, I take the dogs for a quick walk to burn out some of their energy, and once I’m back – I head into our home office and get back to work for the day.

And there you have it, my morning routine! Nothing too out of the ordinary, right? Some days it looks a little different – sometimes I will knock out my workout first thing, but most days I leave it for the end of the day. I know that when we grow our family some day – my mornings will look a lot different…so I’m soaking up all of the alone & quiet time while I can! I hope y’all enjoyed this blog post – next up will be my PM routine…so be on the lookout for that! xo

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Apr 5, 2021

My Morning Routine


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